Latest posts — page 5

The Data-Driven Hiring Guide

Hiring can be improved only if we measure them accurately in the first place. And assembling the right metrics, tools, and data within Excel/Google Sheets to derive insights can be a daunting task.  But in the spirit of curiosity,

How to Hire Java Developers in 2024 - Hiring Handbook

Introduction Java developers are essential assets for organizations across various industries. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide recruiters and tech talent acquisition professionals with valuable insights into hiring the best Java developers. We'll cover the Java developer

ChatGPT for Recruiting: Top Prompts Curated for Recruiters

Recruiting with AI In the dynamic and competitive world of talent acquisition, it's essential to stay ahead of the curve and leverage the best tools and resources available. Recruiters hold the responsibility of knitting workplace culture and building

Founder Stories: Chirag Jain (Textify)

How did you come up with the concept of Textify? Textify is derived from the words 'text' and the operations to perform on it using AI [simplIFY, modIFY, identIFY, classIFY]. In short, Textify represents the power to dominate