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MyGate Swings Open the Gate to Top Talent with Equip


Bengaluru, Karnataka


1001-5000 employees




Software Development

Case study's hero image for MyGate

About MyGate

If you have visited or stayed at any large gated community in a tier 1 or 2 city in India, you must have heard of Mygate.

Mygate is present in 25+ Indian cities with a mission to provide a sense of security and convenience to residents of gated societies. Their app is primarily an apartment management system that helps security guards, residents, management committee, and vendors coordinate for authorising access to their society.

When a software-driven company needs to hire developers, they must ensure they shortlist high-performing, skilled candidates. Thus, entering Mygate's talent pool is gated by Equip's technical assessments.


    • Backend Developer
    • Software Engineer


    • Data Structures and Algorithms
    • Aptitude
    • C
    • C++
    • Java
    • JavaScript
    • Python


  • Tech Hiring
  • Campus Hiring

The Scenario

Jijo, Senior Talent Acquisition Partner at Mygate, was leading the campus hiring drive to recruit backend developers. These campus placement drives were scheduled at IIT Bombay and Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Tamil Nadu.

He had to manage conducting online assessments for hundreds of candidates at the same time. A colleague recommended that he try Equip. Jijo signed up on Equip and here is what happened.

The Assessments

Mygate created assessments for their first campus recruitment drive, tested them internally, made all the requisite changes with support from the team at Equip and purchased credits to assess candidates. Sounds like a lot of work? All of it happened only within a span of 24 hours after Mygate created an Equip account.

  • Role: Backend Developer
  • Skills assessed: SQL, Webservers, Aptitude for Engineering Roles, Popular Programming Languages (C, C++, Java, JS, Python), Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Test types: Quizzes and Programming Tests
  • Assessment Duration: 1 hr 45 min
  • Average number of candidates per assessment: 113

Entering the Fast Lane of Campus Hiring

By implementing Equip for its campus hiring and tech assessments, MyGate was able to streamline the entire process, enabling efficient and scalable testing across multiple locations without the need for in-person supervision. The use of unique assessment links and proctoring reduced cheating, ensuring the integrity of the test results. Additionally, real-time result tracking through Google Sheets allowed MyGate to quickly and easily access assessment outcomes, facilitating faster decision-making in their hiring process.

"Equip has a user-friendly interface. They have a broad range of assessments for technical skills. A good feature is that we could tailor assessment tests for job roles ensuring fair and accurate candidate evaluation. Also, kudos to the support team who proactively addressed our questions and concerns, ensuring assistance was readily available when needed."

Jijo J

Senior Talent Partner, MyGate

Favourite Equip Features

  • No limit on concurrency: Over 300 candidates could attempt the assessments at the same time across multiple locations.
  • Email invitations: Mygate invited all candidates at once by uploading an Excel file with all the email addresses. Each candidate received a unique assessment link which reduced the chances of sharing the link with others and thus prevented the chances of candidates cheating on the test.
  • Proctoring: Equip uses AutoProctor to monitor candidates' test-taking environment by tracking their screen, camera and microphone. Mygate conducted their campus hiring drive remotely without travelling to each college campus. This saved their time arranging for individual supervisors for administering the tests.
  • Writing Results to Google Sheets: With Write results to Google Sheets feature, it is easy to check the results of an assessment real-time as a candidate's result is written to the Google Sheet as soon as they completed each test in an assessment.
  • Timer Settings: They set the date and time for Cannot Before/Start in the Assessment Settings. This means that they could set a the specific duration within which all the students will attempt the assessment at the scheduled time for the campus hiring drive.

Why Equip

MyGate chose Equip for its campus hiring and tech assessments due to Equip's ability to handle high concurrency, allowing over 300 candidates to attempt assessments simultaneously across multiple locations. The platform's email invitation system provided unique assessment links to each candidate, reducing the risk of cheating. Additionally, Equip's proctoring feature, powered by AutoProctor, enabled MyGate to monitor candidates remotely, saving time and resources by avoiding the need for in-person supervision.

Save Time Assessing Candidates Starting Now!

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