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The questions are based on the Skill Level of your choice: Medium (0-3 years), Hard (3-5 years) and Expert (5+ years). Since the Hard and Expert questions are fairly difficult, we recommend distributing questions across difficulty levels in a test.
To test if the code is correct, Equip executes the candidates’ code against a set of inputs. These are called test cases. Some sample test cases are visible to the candidate to debug the code before submission. The actual test cases that Equip runs the code against are not visible to the candidates.
Yes, based on the languages enabled by the recruiter while creating the assessment, the candidates can attempt the programming test by choosing one of the enabled languages.
Copy-pasting code is disabled in Equip’s assessments. Code Plagiarism is shown on the Recruiter Dashboard.
All Equip assessments are proctored by AutoProctor. You can track the candidate’s screen, mic and camera as they take the test. We detect multiple faces and capture photos of it. You will get screenshots in your proctoring summary if a candidate switches tabs to cheat.
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